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Wall of Love

CF #17: How to be "original" (using inspiration)

Key points


  • Use Nngroup for evidence-based design content
  • Coda is a more powerful Notion alternative
  • Try Kapwing for super easy video editing
  • To make money designers can reach out to new and exciting companies on ProductHunt, sell design assets on marketplaces like Creative Market and Design Cuts, or simply create content and let the opportunities come to you
  • Remix and combine already existing compositions to create "new" and "original" work
  • To renew your interest in anything, ask yourself: "What would it feel like if I were brand new to this?"

A super useful UX resource, my favourite video editing tool, money-making tips for designers, how to use inspiration to create something new, and much more.

Creatorfuel helps you master high-value skills of the digital era. Learn more.

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Actionable tips & tools for creative minds.
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.
weekly redesigns
Learn design through redesigns
Every Tuesday, I redesign something you send me and explain my exact thought process
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.

3 useful tools

1) Nngroup

More of a resource than a tool, but it's simply too valuable not to share.

I use nngroup to balance out my creative thinking with evidence-based knowledge.

Example of how I use it:

Let's say I want to explain to a web design client why automatic carousels may be a bad choice for their website.

I can use the studies, tests and explanations from this nngroup article to back me up.

Screenshot of nngroup's website

​2) Coda

Basically Notion but more powerful. Coda brings it all together – your words, data, tasks, and teamwork. All in one place.

Preview of Coda's app

3) Kapwing

The easiest, most user-friendly, and effective video editing tool I've ever used. I've been using it since 2018 and nothing has convinced me to switch (And I have the entire Adobe suite). Try it.

Screenshot of the Kapwing editor

3 effective tips & techniques

1) 3 specific and actionable ways of making money as a designer/creator

  1. ProductHunt is where a lot of new companies and exciting startups launch their products. Many of them are hiring or recently funded and looking for all sorts of help (Web design, content creation, etc). See a cool project? Reach out to them!
  2. Create and sell templates (Infographics, web design, posters, simple illustrations, social media posts). Sell them through your own website/social channels using Gumroad or through marketplaces like Creative Market, Design Cuts, and Etsy.
  3. Let the opportunities come to you: Start a Youtube channel (or a written blog if you're not comfortable on camera) and share your work, process or any tips & tricks that have helped you. Take your Youtube videos (or blog posts) and adapt them for Instagram, Tiktok, and Linkedin. Be everywhere and the opportunities will pour in, I promise.

2) How to be "original"

Modifying and remixing already existing web designs
Combining already existing website designs to create something new

3) One question to renew your interest in anything

From Amy Shearn's Medium article:

Ross McCammon writes in Forge about a time when his children were bored, and he presented them with a mental challenge: “Pretend this is the first time you’ve ever been to this house. This is an Airbnb now, and you just walked in the door. What would you do if it was your first day here?”

Now, you do the same thing but for whatever it is that you're finding dull in your life (Job, relationship, hobby etc).

What would it feel like if you were brand new to this?

Sometimes a little shift in perspective can be enough to turn something mundane into a new-to-you space filled with possibilities.

Via Amy Shearn

3 ideas to think about

1) "Even the wrong goal leads to the right place”

Via Marquett Burton

2) You’ll Find Happiness When You Stop Trying To Prove Yourself:

To eliminate the tendency to prove myself, I regularly ask:

If I could never tell a single person about my achievements, would I still pursue them?

Via Anthony J. Yeung (Read more here)

3) Detachment isn’t about not caring. It’s about caring from an objective standpoint, for the greater good of your work, your audience and your growth.

Via Shannel Wheeler (Read more here)

Shower thoughts

1) There’s a good chance that your calculator history is more embarrassing than your browser history.

2) Maybe cats purposely break stuff off of shelves so that when the owner buys a replacement, they can play in the boxes.

3) You could cosplay as Winnie the Pooh with just a red shirt and confidence.

Via Reddit

weekly creatorfuel
I share tips & tools every creator should know.
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.
weekly redesigns
Learn design through redesigns
Every Tuesday, I redesign something you send me and explain my exact thought process
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.

Fresh Youtube videos



Have you forgotten about the fundamentals?

I’ve learned that no amount of coaching, fancy apps, “creativity hacks & tips” etc, will make up for:

  • Subpar sleep
  • Low vitamin D3 (lack of direct sunlight exposure)
  • Lack of movement (sports, resistance training, cardio)
  • Poor diet (macro and micronutrients)
  • Nonexistent stress management

Get these right first.

They are the highest impact things you can do.

Ignoring these is like a student ignoring the fundamental concepts needed to ace an exam and instead focusing on color-coding their notes, using fancy study apps, and organizing their study space with intricate decorations.

Master the basics. Everything else falls into place. full post
Aug 15, 2023

Nonfiction books are too long

Most nonfiction books should've been 1000-word articles.

I find myself abandoning a lot of books right around the 25-30% mark.

Not because they're bad, but because I fully get the gist by that point and it's right around when the repetition of examples and ideas begins.

I'm okay with abandoning a book midway now. Just a couple years ago, I would power through the whole thing in fear of missing out on some crucial ideas in the later chapters.

Now, I just have fun with it. If it piques my interest, great – I'll buy it, read the chapters that seem interesting, get what I came for and move onto the next one.

I think a lot of these authors are just trying to meet some sort of quota. I dunno.

There's elegance in brevity. full post
Aug 14, 2023

A note on this weird cold plunge trend

So many of these "gurus" telling us to take cold showers and cold plunges 😂 😂

If you’re tired all the time:

  • Go get your bloodwork done and see what you’re deficient in
  • Get outside. Get some damn sun
  • Sleep well
  • Use your mind to build something – It'll energize you

Stick to high-impact basics. These little micro-optimizations aren't going to change anything.

Enjoy your hot showers 🔥🚿 full post
Jul 21, 2023