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Wall of Love

Become a thriving independent creator

Once a month, I’ll send you 3 tips, 3 tools, and 3 ideas to help you thrive in the areas of visual design, creativity, and wellness

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My name is Ismail Benmbarek.
I started off designing reactors (University of Ottawa), then moved onto creating mobile apps (Wandure) before getting into web design education (Flux Academy), and then finally starting my own one-person creative education business (Creatorfuel)

Sorry about that run-on sentence.

How I can help you


The Creatorfuel newsletter

Once a month, I’ll send you 3 tips, 3 tools, and 3 ideas to help you thrive in the areas of visual design, creativity, and productivity.

Join 3k+ subscribers

Learn design through redesigns

The best way to learn visual design is through real examples. Three times a month, I redesign a bad layout and share my exact process.

Coming soon

Deep-dive layout course

My upcoming self-paced online course on layout design. I give you the exact step-by-step process I use to go from blank canvas to stunning layout with confidence.

Coming soon