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Wall of Love

CF #15: You'll experience two types of growth

Key points


  • If you're building a website and have no idea what to put on it, use the StoryBrand Website Blueprint
  • Use a video chatbot on your site to create a more engaging experience
  • Most skills (like writing and programming) and things like weight loss go through logarithmic growth while things like wealth, website traffic, follower growth exponential growth
  • Symmetrical layouts convey a classical or authoritative vibe
  • Asymmetrical layouts are more casual and give the impression of modernity
  • Broken grid layouts create a more distinguished and memorable experience
  • You really only have about 5 hours to be properly productive during the day. Use your first few hours in the day wisely

An amazingly engaging chatbot alternative for your site, logarithmic growth vs exponential growth, structure itself can be a message and much more

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Actionable tips & tools for creative minds.
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.
weekly redesigns
Learn design through redesigns
Every Tuesday, I redesign something you send me and explain my exact thought process
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.

3 useful tools

1) The StoryBrand Website Blueprint

You either have a website, want to create one, or create websites for a living. Here's a template that shows you exactly what to write and where to write it on your website.

Screenshot of the storybrand website blueprint

2) Loom

Show, don't tell. Instead of a boring email or a long unnecessary meeting, send a Loom video link of whatever it is you want to show, share or discuss. It'll impress your peers, and save everyone time.

Screenshot of Loom

3) VideoAsk

Why use a chatbot when you can just be you? Bring your website to life with a video chatbot using VideoAsk. It's fresh, futuristic and bound to impress.

Check mine out on the new Creatorfuel website

Note: I built my chatbot from scratch using Webflow.

Screenshot of the Creatorfuel website
GIF of contact form video chat circle

3 effective tips & techniques

1) There are two types of growth. Which one are you following? (Via James Clear)

Growth isn't linear. Most areas of life follow one of two growth curves.

a) Logarithmic growth

Logarithmic graph

Gains come quickly initially but decrease/slow down over time.

Examples of logarithmic growth

  • Weight loss
  • Writing
  • Programming
  • Most skills in fact

b) Exponential growth

Exponential growth graph

Gains come slowly at first but snowball swiftly over time.

Examples of exponential growth

  • Investments/wealth/business growth
  • Website traffic
  • Social media followers

Why should you care about this?

So that you don't get frustrated or confused next time you start a new project/hobby/endeavour and the growth isn't what you expected.

Now you are in a better position to set expectations.​

2) Use my new homepage as web design inspiration

I tried to balance familiarity and differentiation.

See anything cool? Or not so cool?

Send in your feedback. I'd love to hear it.

3) 3 types of layouts. 3 different messages.

Structure itself can be a message. -Timothy Samara

Symmetrical layouts are the oldest organizing principle:

A ymmetrical layouts

Used when trying to convey a classical or authoritative vibe.


Two examples of symmetrical layouts (posters)

Asymmetrical layouts achieve visual balance in a unique playful manner:

An asymmetrical layout

Used when trying to give the impression of modernity or a more casual attitude.


Two examples of asymmetrical layouts (posters)

As World War I started, abstract broken grid layouts were created to express the horror of the conflict.

Broken grid layout

Used to create a more distinguished and unforgettable experience.


Two examples of broken grid layouts (posters)

3 ideas to think about

1) You really only have about 5 hours to be properly productive during the day. After that time frame you become increasingly distracted.

So, try not to be disappointed in yourself when you're 5 hours in and can't focus anymore.

You're not lazy.

You're just lazy after 5 hours, like the rest of us.

Give yourself a break.

2) Dear creator, everything is a remix. Get good at stealing, combining, and adapting. You'll find your own lane that way.

3) Get into a flow and don't slow down. Turn on "Do Not Disturb" and use my deep focus playlist to get in the zone faster.

Shower thoughts

1) Detention desks in art school must look amazing

2) If you wear camouflage in public, you stand out more

3) Buses have the route number on the back so you can confirm that it was your bus you just missed

Via Reddit

weekly creatorfuel
I share tips & tools every creator should know.
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.
weekly redesigns
Learn design through redesigns
Every Tuesday, I redesign something you send me and explain my exact thought process
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“I'm floored by how much content you deliver in these emails. Again, thank you!” -Lindsey O.

Fresh Youtube videos



Have you forgotten about the fundamentals?

I’ve learned that no amount of coaching, fancy apps, “creativity hacks & tips” etc, will make up for:

  • Subpar sleep
  • Low vitamin D3 (lack of direct sunlight exposure)
  • Lack of movement (sports, resistance training, cardio)
  • Poor diet (macro and micronutrients)
  • Nonexistent stress management

Get these right first.

They are the highest impact things you can do.

Ignoring these is like a student ignoring the fundamental concepts needed to ace an exam and instead focusing on color-coding their notes, using fancy study apps, and organizing their study space with intricate decorations.

Master the basics. Everything else falls into place. full post
Aug 15, 2023

Nonfiction books are too long

Most nonfiction books should've been 1000-word articles.

I find myself abandoning a lot of books right around the 25-30% mark.

Not because they're bad, but because I fully get the gist by that point and it's right around when the repetition of examples and ideas begins.

I'm okay with abandoning a book midway now. Just a couple years ago, I would power through the whole thing in fear of missing out on some crucial ideas in the later chapters.

Now, I just have fun with it. If it piques my interest, great – I'll buy it, read the chapters that seem interesting, get what I came for and move onto the next one.

I think a lot of these authors are just trying to meet some sort of quota. I dunno.

There's elegance in brevity. full post
Aug 14, 2023

A note on this weird cold plunge trend

So many of these "gurus" telling us to take cold showers and cold plunges 😂 😂

If you’re tired all the time:

  • Go get your bloodwork done and see what you’re deficient in
  • Get outside. Get some damn sun
  • Sleep well
  • Use your mind to build something – It'll energize you

Stick to high-impact basics. These little micro-optimizations aren't going to change anything.

Enjoy your hot showers 🔥🚿 full post
Jul 21, 2023