Figma-inspired labelled cursor.
This deep sea green is insanely beautiful.
Mako always nails it. UI by Giorgi Chikhladze.
Simple glass shapes on onyx background.
Beautiful 3D renders.
Beautiful 3D AI art
Makes me want to really take learning Blender seriously.
Snipfeed's got some sweet branding.
Something about those harsh shadows
Geometric 3D, lovely type and color combos
That orange & misty blue and overlapping 3D is stunning.
The handwritten letters are such a nice touch.
Cuberto does it again.
Black & Gold.
Something about this layout...
How did our apps get so boring.
Aesthetically pleasing.
Beyond banking.
No more boring apps.
It's the little things.
Love this product shot.
Absolutely love the way this website was executed.
Spline was used for the 3D.
Shoutout to Loops
Biiiig chunky typeface
3D Wall
Gotta be a good candle.
Looks edible.
Love this color pairing.
Coffee vibes.
Beautiful color pairing and contrast.
Hail to the king.
Love simple, rounded, photorealistic 3D shapes.
Love the monochrome and geometric patterns.
The typeface is hanson
Love the 3D scenes, content separation, and monochrome
Unique typographic alignment in some spots.
Love the 3D and layout features here