Affordable Webflow clone?
Button above the headline looks awesome.
Fading border.
Figma-inspired labelled cursor.
Love this visual language. Music store homepage.
Patreon's new homepage!
Remove the top layer to see how the animation works ;)
Bold, rounded, playful.
Duotone? Either way, looks awesome.
Sweet corner fold
Sweet card layout by CSS Tricks. Shoutout Chris Coyier.
Mako always nails it. UI by Giorgi Chikhladze.
Beautiful 3D renders.
Canary (#ecfa60) and Tart Orange (#fa5046)
Those progress bars at the bottom are a treat.
Lots of subtle and unique visual ideas here.
Beautiful frosted dropdown
Love the colorful shadow and that beautiful Lilac White
Just beautiful.
Makes me want to really take learning Blender seriously.
Cities banner with the background blur looks great.
Beautiful layering of the type and illustrations adds depth and energy
Frosted glass effect never gets old
Love the illustrations and how they break the frame
Love the attention to detail on this video player.
Rounded corners make everything awesome. Love the depth too.
Something about inline imagery.
Combining photography, illustrations, and shapes.
To each their home.
Motifs executed super well.
Sweet little menu animation. Built in WordPress.
❤️ the way the price is shown. Sick product page design overall.
Sweet card design.
Print inspired web design is awesome.
Stylish serif and layout.
Such an uncommon web hero section layout. Looks awesome.
Elegant green monochrome.
That orange & misty blue and overlapping 3D is stunning.
Beautiful card layout for the team section.
Sweet card layout and image hover effect.
Gorgeous typesetting & hierarchy here.
Love this search bar.
The handwritten letters are such a nice touch.
Sweet layering and alignment.
Love the card hover effect.
Orderly yet unique layouts throughout.
Love the card presentation.
Incredibly immersive LP. Please check it out.
Cuberto does it again.
Love the grain and typeface.
Aesthetic cards.
Love the card design and type-setting
The colors, the chunky type, the tasteful layering. So good!!